Six days of riding down the coast of California is done. I am now 550 miles further away from the San Francisco hospital where my sister is receiving treatment at this very moment… but we ( are $152,000 closer to our goal to end the suffering of leukemia. Wow! $152,000!!! We couldn’t have made the journey without your support. Thank you!

Riding through the fog in Big Sur. Via
The feedback from our friends in the cancer community has been overwhelming. Gratitude, inspiration, unity, tears, hope, love, and motivation are all consistent words that I’m reading as the emails flood in. Wow! We made a difference! And as importantly… WE CAN CONTINUE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE by joining the bone marrow registry.
Thank you for your support. If you need more information about The Bone Marrow Registry… how vital it is for cancer patients, please let me know. We have lived it. The registry is GLOBAL: so you’re literally helping people around the world.
If you would like to register to join the bone marrow registry PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK:
If you would like to learn more about how I met the complete stranger who saved my sister’s life… please check it out via this link (or click on the photo below). There are videos on that post that explain the registration process in detail, and the donation process too. Please spread the word! THANK YOU!