Lauren & Nate’s OceanCliff Wedding (Newport, RI)
The complete photos from Lauren & Nate’s OceanCliff wedding are available by going to boathousestudios.com and clicking on “View Proofs.” Additionally, all of these featured images are being posted on our Boathouse Studios Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram feeds. If you appreciate our work & want to give our studio page a follow, like or even just a “wicked nice” comment we would love to hear from you. And if you want to tag/share these photos with other guests, surf on over & check them out! Thanks as always for sharing the love! #laurenater
Wow. What a wedding. What an amazing group of people. Lauren & Nate are incredible in every way, and their friends/family were so thoughtful, so welcoming; we felt lucky to be there to document their wedding. What follows are just a few of the many, many images from their wedding by the sea in Newport, Rhode Island at OceanCliff.
People ask us all the time how and why we shoot weddings when we have such a busy commercial and editorial schedule with Wedge Creative. The truth is that weddings are inspiring stories to tell, especially when you get to witness the real love and companionship that can exist between two people. Nate and Lauren are extra special. Their bond is obvious, and what follows is just a small glimpse into all the emotion and joy that they felt on their wedding day. Enjoy!!
Lauren & Nate’s wedding program and bronze letters (a family tradition).
So many details at this wedding. From custom dress hangers to the iconic OceanCliff Gatehouse roof, there was lots to capture!
Lauren’s wedding dress, shoes and their rings.
Details included her custom dress, their family tradition of bronze letters, her grandmother’s cross stitched into her dress, and of course those beautiful rings!
Getting ready for a wedding is exhausting work. Here, the flower girl takes a little power nap before her afternoon duties.
The spectacular OceanCliff Hotel & Resort in Newport, RI
Bride and flower girl getting ready.
Meanwhile, Nate was busy with his groomsmen getting ready and giving/receiving a few gifts.
These guys clean up well.
Lauren’s team with their flower girls, mimosas and matching shirts.
Nate waiting patiently for his first peek at Lauren in her wedding dress.
Finishing touches for Lauren.
Final moments before heading up to see Nate for the first time.
Lauren is awesome. So happy, so beautiful. Just perfect.
First look!
Off to the beach for some quick photos.
We took a trolley to the windiest spot in all of Newport… but it was worth it for these moments!
They were always so comfortable and relaxed together. It was meant to be.
Lauren & Nate were game to go anywhere… so long as they were together, they were happy!
Look at Nate’s reaction! So. Adorable. I love it! He was thrilled… and even waved to Lauren as she processed with her dad down the aisle.
The OceanCliff is an amazing wedding venue for getting married in Newport. These images highlight one of the many reasons we love shooting here!
The wedding ceremony officiant was a close friend of the groom’s family.
The officiant managed to make a public service announcement about riding bikes AND leaving room on the road for cyclists. As a former bike racer, I thought it was the best wedding ceremony ever… though I am a bit biased.
Proof that it was REALLY windy!
Look at Nate read his vows. That is love. That is the real deal. They are both so lucky to have found one another.
Lauren reading her vows as the maid of honor looks AMAZING despite the sustained 20 knot breeze.
Lauren & Nate’s ceremony was so sincere, so thoughtful… I have never photographed a wedding ceremony that incorporated so many thoughtful and timely readings about love, justice, equality and life. It was wonderful. It made me proud to be there.
Pure joy.
Nate gently kissing Lauren’s shoulder. A small, very quick, unplanned detail captured forever. He loves you Lauren. He really loves you.
Walking back down the aisle… these two were floating on air. So happy!
One. More. Kiss.
Lauren & Nate take a moment alone to let reality sink in: they are now married!
These small moments are my favorite. Their companionship is obvious and real.
Even Nate’s brother couldn’t hold back tears.
Wedding Party.
Lauren & Nate.
These guys were giddy with happiness.
OceanCliff wedding reception details.
Their grand entrance and cake!
First dance.
Such an amazing band: Sweet Tooth and the Sugar Babies.
Toasts from the parents, and some great singing from Lauren’s former a capella group: Yale’s Out of The Blue.
The small looks of happiness and love. These little moments as Lauren and Nate listen to toasts are just precious.
Representing: Choate, Delbarton, Harvard, Yale and Yale Medical School.
Sunset at OceanCliff in Newport, RI.
Cutting the cake!
Parent dances.
Cutting it up on the dance floor.
The grand departure with bubbles!

These two make an amazing team, and we are so glad we were able to be there to support them on their wedding day!
To all of Lauren & Nate’s family (and friends): THANK YOU for being so welcoming, so fun and so real with us. We had such a great day with you, and it was a true joy to capture these moments for you all. To Lauren and Nate: congratulations! You two are so beautiful and so obviously in love… it was a joy to capture that for you! We truly hope our paths cross again very soon and if you’re ever near one of our Maine/San Francisco/Hawaii studios, please let us know! We would love to see you! #laurenater
The complete photos from Lauren & Nate’s OceanCliff wedding are available by going to boathousestudios.com and clicking on “View Proofs.” Additionally, all of these featured images are being posted on our Boathouse Studios Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram feeds. If you appreciate our work & want to give our studio page a follow, like or even just a “wicked nice” comment we would love to hear from you. And if you want to tag/share these photos with other guests, surf on over & check them out! Thanks as always for sharing the love! #laurenater