Jourdan & Derek’s Little Diamond Island Wedding in Portland, Maine
It was so wonderful to be in Maine last week supporting Jourdan, Derek and all of their friends and family at their wonderful wedding in Portland. We were thrilled to fly in from San Francisco for another summer island wedding and to work with such a welcoming and fun group. Enjoy the photos, and know that a full blog entry along with the COMPLETE photos will be posted here on our blog next week, so check back. In the meantime, you can find these images on our social media pages (see contact page above) to share and like as well. Thanks for sharing the love! See our Facebook Page, Twitter or Instagram feed as well!

Little Diamond Island is a very, very special place. Located just offshore from Portland, Maine, LDI is a world of it’s own. We love photographing there and were very lucky to have a spectacular sunset that we JUST barely caught the end of!

A proper wedding ceremony exit at Saint Luke’s Cathedral in Portland, Maine.

Newly married, on Little Diamond Island with Casco Bay in the background!

Ferrying across Casco Bay just after the church ceremony in Portland. A spectacular day.

Little Diamond Island.

First Dance.

No one is safe during a dance battle. This little boy knew how to throw down. He kept me on my toes all night.

Goodbye for now! We will have more next week, but just wanted to share a few images from Jourdan & Derek’s amazing wedding weekend. Lots more images to be shared later!