This (overdue) post is dedicated to the fabulous Miller family. I’ve tried for weeks now to find the words to say “thank you” to them for hosting us in South Carolina weeks ago… but never quite got there. When Malia and I rolled onto Hilton Head Island at 3am on Thanksgiving morning, we were a pair of VERY weary travelers. We arrived with a whole bunch of exhaustion, jet lag and work to do. Our dear friend Kate had suggested we stay at her parents apartment, and though we really didn’t expect much, we were just grateful to be near friends and on the island. What we received however was so wonderful and thoughtful: a fully stocked kitchen, a welcome note (on a Maine card), and a genuine enthusiasm to join in on their family holiday. They were so nice that we insisted on a family photo shoot for them and Kate’s sister’s family as well, just as a small thank you. Our “photo shoot” really amounted to little more than hanging out and laughing at their kids for an hour in a nearby park, but these are some of the images we captured. THANK YOU MILLER FAMILY!!! We had such a wonderful time with all of you! Complete photos available through this link here as well as our Facebook Page here.

Old friends, Great friends.
Ginger Campbell Miller - It was a fun time and I love the photos. With reference to the last photo……..did Brian forget his scarf?