Last week I had a chance to spend an afternoon with our wonderful new clients The Stevens Family. Four brothers and their respective families travel to Maine every summer for some quality time together… and it was so much fun to see. The complete set of photos are available for viewing/ordering online here (please contact The Stevens’ directly for the password). The great news is that we’ve already posted all these blog photos to our Facebook page, so they’re ready for you to tag & “like” as you wish!
One of the highlights of my entire week came as I watched two of the boys brave the “wicked cold” waters of Maine. To be fair, these boys normally swim in the Chesapeake Bay where water temperatures are regularly 80 degrees and higher, so by their experiences, jumping off the dock was “nuts”.
And when you’re twelve years old, and it’s summer, and you’re on the coast of Maine… and you do something “insane” with your little brother by your side, it’s just awesome to see. The thrill is so real, that you just have to do it again, and again, and again.

Hypothermic and stoked: The Way Life Should Be
Thanks very much for sharing part of your Maine vacation with me! I had a blast with your family and look forward to seeing you again next year!
The complete set of photos are available for viewing/ordering online here (please contact The Stevens’ directly for the password). The great news is that we’ve already posted all these blog photos to our Facebook page, so they’re ready for you to tag & “like” as you wish!